Heart & Mind Aligned

Topics for consideration. What do we think and how do we feel vs what does society tell us we should think and feel?


Corresponding Journal Worksheet

Self-Love Practices

Gratitude Practices

​Authenticity Practices


Processing Trauma

Relationships and Marriage

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding

Building a Family

Parenting Small Children

Parenting a Teenager

Education Options

Re-Parenting Our Inner Child

Money Making Endeavors

Gender Roles and Expectations

Sexual Autonomy

Gender Pay Gap

Sexual Objectification


Beauty Standards

Violence Against Women

Leadership and Political Representation

Parenting and Caregiving Roles

Education and Empowerment

Toxic Masculinity

Gender Roles and Expectations

Emotional Expression

Fatherhood and caregiving

Violence and Aggression

Men’s Rights

Education and Achievement

Body Image and Masculinity

Sexual identity and Orientation

Work-Life Balance

Copyright Rachel Forseti, LLC 2024 - All Rights Reserved


9095 E. Tanque Verde Rd. Ste 171-140
​Tucson, Ariz. 85749
​(520) 975-0704