: causing fear, dread, or apprehension
a formidable prospect
: having qualities that discourage approach or attack
a formidable opponent
: tending to inspire awe or wonder : impressive
a formidable accomplishment
As we go through life, navigating it successfully can be a challenge. Even when we learn more, others may doubt our capability or even plant their seeds of doubt in us. Being formidable feels like not taking on the doubts of others, showing up in our full power and with all our capabilities on display. We know what we know, but we also convey this to the world around us.
Being formidable is projecting the confidence based on capability that can prevent others from doubting us and also prevent them from messing with us in any negative way.
The whole person is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Becoming formidable includes developing ourselves in all four realms.
For the physical, we could maintain a healthy and balanced diet with adequate nutrients and micronutrients, balanced hydration, a healthy and balanced workout and movement routine, and also adequate fresh air and sunshine. The physical also includes finances and other forms of physical support.
For the mental mental realm, this could be constantly learning and seeking out new subjects to learn about. It could also be stimulating conversations about subjects we find interest in or conversations with people we find interesting to expand our own worldview.
In the emotional realm, this could be to support our nervous system, to learn about and practice healthy emotional regulation. This could also be seeking out situations and people who honor our emotional needs and build us up rather than tear us down. Our emotional support system.
In the spiritual realm, it could be a regular spiritual practice that nourishes our souls. Whether it's a gathering of many or a gathering of ourselves in nature or at our personal alter, a regular spiritual practice helps us navigate the chaos of life.
We are multi-faceted beings and it's important to honor that in ourselves and others. Care of our whole being supports us in being formidable.
9095 E. Tanque Verde Rd. Ste 171-140
Tucson, Ariz. 85749
(520) 975-0704